Friday, May 23, 2014

To enhance your knowledge in just 2 mins, read on!

#Have you heard about deafblindness? No? Get #instantinfo

Many times we have half baked knowledge about  topics we hear on a daily basis but lack the time to go in depth about them. To make it more easier for you to understand deafblindness we have created an #instantinfo .

Glance through the infographic to brush up your preliminary knowledge about deafblindness and how our organization is addressing it. We will keep doing such posts to enhance your understanding about this unique disability . Your queries are welcome.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Together we make a Family!

15th May is observed as the ‘International Day of Families’. This Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 and stresses on the importance of having a healthy and happy familial relationship. Families as such are a vital foundation of any society—and at Sense India we recognize the importance of families as children's first teachers.

The symbol of the International Day of Families consists of a solid green circle with an image in red. The image is a simple drawing of a heart and a house which indicates that families are the center of societies providing a stable and supporting home for people of all ages.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother’s Day!! 

Motherhood is priced
Of God, at price no man may dare
To lessen or misunderstand.
~Helen Hunt Jackson

Mother is the first person who falls in love with us even before we land on this Earth! Does it matter how we look? how we smell? Or how smart we may be? Definitely Not!

She is one person who puts up with all our nakhras (tantrums).  She is there by our side from our “peeing in pants phase” to the nights when we “weep with broken hearts”. She mends us, loves us, pampers us, and defends us. But only God can save us when she gets angry! She will either kill us with her silence or will eat our ears off with her reprimanding. She can be soft like a barfi (Indian sweetmeat), all mushy mushy with sweet whispers or a hard nut to crack if it’s for our well-being. BUT above all this overdose of dramas, she is the constant flow of gentle care and silent strength in our lives.